Alexander Lisi

a drawing of a alexander lisi dancing with some marijuana

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s driver/body-guard/drug dealer/best buddy, Alexander Lisi, was just arrested on several drug related charges including marijuana trafficking.

Man, Canada must have the least skilled paparazzi in the world. In Europe, they can take topless photos of Kate Middleton from 3 miles away, but here they can’t catch a portly, dim-witted mayor doing drugs, even when the clues as to when and where he’s doing it are pretty much common knowledge.

Topical Tagging ‘Tober

So, I’ve decided that this month will have two themes: topical events and tag filling. Because I am running out of original ideas and I really hate when one of my tags only has one drawing in it!

a drawing of the government shutdown button
The beautiful, shiny button! The jolly, candy-like button!

Hey, my southern neighbours! I heard that your congress pitched a hissy fit and shut down the government. Don’t worry, we have loads of hockey equipment up here that we can sell you, if guys find yourselves in a Road Warrior-esque situation and need the requisite attire.

Lunenburg Nova Scotia is on FIRE!

a drawing of a girl being driven mad by fire

As we speak, by the waterfront in Lunenburg Nova Scotia, right nearby the house I’m staying, there is a three storey building burning down. I hear tell that it is not in fact the Foodland, but a building directly adjacent to the Foodland. I hope the Foodland doesn’t burn down. I don’t want to have walk all the way down to the Atlantic Save Easy, just to get milk.

Anyway, doesn’t this show how dedicated I am to my whole stupid “DOODLE EVERY SINGLE DAY” project? I should be running for my life, but I instead sitting here and drawing stupid junk.

I also got some pictures of the fire, but I don’t think that any of them turned out well. I have no idea how to shoot fire at night.

*UPDATE: I’ve uploaded the photographs that I took for people that are interested in seeing how bad they are. CLICK HERE!*